Recycling & Zero-Waste
In developing our products and services, we strive to collect and treat all waste and by-products in a recyclable way. We carry out selective waste collection (paper / plastic / metal / glass / electronic / organic) and the raw materials thus collected are recycled. We are trying to produce as little waste as possible, and at some of our processes (eg website building) the zero-waste philosophy is realized, and our partners are encouraged to do so. Our staff has significant experience in the field of environmental protection and we are constantly training on this topic. Medika Pro Ltd. is responsible for the purchase of paper from EU-based manufacturers. PEFC / FSC.
Carbon neutrality
An important pillar of our Earth's conservation is controlling our CO2 emissions. Since the foundation of our company, we have been committed to CO2-neutral operation. The amount of CO2 emitted annually in our operations is totally neutralized by the indigenous oak forest (Quercus robur), which is planted on 41000 qm (about 7 football fields), so that we can keep the impact of our company on nature in the long term neutral.
Short Supply Chain
In our business activities, we focus on short supply chains We consider it important to get the materials we use for our processes from geographically closest manufacturers. A short supply chain is an important aspect of economics, as conscious purchasing reduces the number of intermediate commercial players and thus reduces some logistics activities. SSC is also the environmental strength of our operations.
Energy Saving
We work with planned energy consumption, we try to solve our energy-related processes economically. We organize our mobility with low-consumption vehicles or public transport, we solve our heating and cooling needs with partially renewable energy, we plan to cover our electricity demand in the future with a solar system, and it is an important aspect to purchase our electric power-driven machinery.
When designing and developing our products and services, we take into account user behavior. We emphasize that even our users in a special life situation have the least difficulty in using them. For the blind and visually impaired, we strive for the convenience of using our products and services with special technical solutions.
Democratic Design
Precise design, shape, function, quality and sustainability combined with affordable prices for 21st century users.
Democratic Design = Thoughtfully designed products for all users
Equilibrity Plan / Mixed Team
The organic development of our team is greatly helped by the belief in the mix-teaming philosophy. We work in a non-discriminatory way. In the selection of our employees and partners, we are the first to be professionally prepared and loyal to our company. We continuously train our employees within the country and internationally so that our knowledge is always fresh and competitive. We recruit our highly trained staff from the free labour market, often in flexible working hours. Our company supports volunteer initiatives and projects of employees.
Our company places special emphasis on compliance with transparent and relevant legal regulations in the areas of company law, accounting and taxation, work-, fire- and data protection. The main activity of the company is research and development in the field of health, where many national and international laws and standards, international agreements are in force. In our operation, we observe the transparency parts of these regulators.